Sunday 4 July 2010

Another Opening, Another Show!

Well, opening night in Woking has come and gone and what a lovely evening it was! There was a significant amount of nervous tension lingering in the air as all of us newbies prayed (and yes, it does make it easier when you're dressed as a nun!) that nothing horrendous would go wrong. I think we were more worried about our costume changes than the actual material in the show (getting in and out of those habits can be tricky, especially if you are required to wear a set of keys and you are prone to panic and ME).

It all went rather well considering we had only one dress rehearsal and two hours later were opening to an audience of industry professionals (including our lovely Casting Director and Producer). Personally I just wanted to get through the evening without any costume mishaps, missed entrances or stumbling on my ball gown (thankfully none of the aforementioned occured). J

There was an audible sigh of relief as the curtain went down and we all eagerly anticipated free drinks at the theatre bar...the worst had passed! We had survived opening night! YAY for us!

Now the real fun begins...

Some of the beautiful flowers, cards and chocolate I received!

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